Researching Musical Works by Catalan Composers
The JMA undertakes musicological research in private and public archives in order to find high-quality music that deserves to be recovered and disseminated in public concerts.
Promoting Music by Catalan composers
The work of promotion is two-fold: First, through the organisation of public concerts where the audience can discover and enjoy great Catalan music that often has been forgotten for many years, and second, through proposing new Catalan works to the performers that participate in the concerts organised by JMA – these works often end up being incorporated into the main repertoire of the musicians.
Incentivising and making Contemporary Composition Visible
Contemporary musical creation has an important place within the programming of JMA’s activities, with the goal to incentivise the performance of works by current Catalan authors.
Supporting Catalan Performers
The activities organised by the JMA always include numerous local musicians, from young performers in need of developing their career, to consolidated and prestigious names.
Musical Edition
The JMA incentivises the edition of musical manuscripts in order to improve their availability to performers.
Informational Centre
The JMA is at the service of all professionals, students and others interested in learning more about the Catalan musical repertoire and it receives numerous requests every year from all around the world.
Investigating and Preserving the Musical Legacy of Joan Manen
The JMA is undertaking research into the personal archive that belonged to Joan Manen, currently highly dispersed, and has gathered an important document collection dedicated to the Catalan violinist and composer, which is increased yearly through new acquisitions.